Saturday, March 17, 2007

Chocolate Heaven

There's a new cafe open just near me on the Danforth.

Chocolate Heaven.

Chocolate AND coffee in a small, independent cute spot around the corner. I wanted it to be so fantastic.

The dark chocolate truffle I had was fantastic. The decaf latte... was not very hot and not as strong as I'd have liked. A little disappointing.

But you know? I'm willing to give it another try. Next time I'll try the decaf cappuccino instead. And maybe I can ask them if they make London Fogs. Who knows?

But I'm very excited about the proximity and the cuteness and the quiet. I sat down and read a whole section of the paper. It was great.

The treats in there could be the death of me, if I let them. But sometimes, one really needs a chocolate heaven...

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