Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Still no name yet!

OK, pop quiz: how long does it take to name a baby?

Seriously, my brother and sister-in-law still haven't named their daughter. AND they haven't called me -- the NERVE of them! I mean, seriously, all they have is a brand new play-toy human being that they made. As if they shouldn't be calling me right away to let me know that Kendra is out of the hospital!

OK, maybe they suspect that I'm nerdy enough to be checking and notice that she is posting photos on Facebook and stuff. Hence the picture here.

ISN'T she cute?!
Perfect baby!

And still nameless!
My dad says she looks like a Molly. I like that name. It's cute. I think my dad should just call her that, no matter what they name her. Actually, if we all just start calling her Molly maybe they'll just have to name her that instead of "Fussy TarPoops" like they're considering...

I'm glad they have some Mommy-Daddy time with the girl. But really, they should be considering MY feelings and how anxious I am to know what to call my niece. At least they were nice enough to post some photos for me.

So, do you think they'd be mad if I just camped over at their house for the next week?

1 comment:

Raye said...

she is beautiful!