Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Skating at Nathan Phillips Square

Nathan Phillips Square
Originally uploaded by b24chicago
My friend Lisa and I totally ripped it up at the Square tonight. Nathan Phillips was pretty dead, aside from the Fashion Week goings-on, which we were SO not interested in.

There were only three other people on the ice, plus some rink "monitors" who horsed around more than anything and totally knocked a girl over by acting like an idiot. Highschool boys. Sigh.

Anyway, turns out that Lisa is a closet professional skater. She gets out there, saying "oh I think I'm going to be so shakey -- I haven't been out in years!" And suddenly she's doing twirls and spins and jumps.

It was crazy.
She looked amazing.

And she really helped me with my feeble direction changes.

I'm really happy that we got to get out there again before the end of the season! I got to do something ACTIVE! We've both been yearning for some outdoor-time and it stopped raining long enough to let us have our turn on the ice. What great timing!

And now I'm off to pack -- we all know that I put it off on purpose because I'm just soooooo good at it. Basically, I'm thinking I'll wave my wand and all of the perfect things will just FLY into my bag. Thank god for the wand or I'd be freaking out!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Cath, Man Toronto looks so damn cold. Tokyo is a breezy 15 today. Just checking out your blog and seeing whats up!