Earth Day @ Starbucks meant free coffee for those who brought their own cups.
Or so I thought.
And then I decided to go with a group of people who don't normally go (I, on the other hand, faithfully go for a London Fog every single day) and I brought my usual cup.
And guess what happened? While everyone else got their coffee, I got denied. Because I didn't have the RIGHT kind of cup. Somehow, REUSING a cup EVERY SINGLE DAY (not just Earth Day) is less environmentally friendly than showing up once a year with ceramic mug.
Really, how many times do you throw out your coffee cups? Not me: I keep em and use em over and over. Probably for about a full week. I have about five cups on my desk right now, rinsed. Waiting for use. I only accumulated so many venti cups because I didn't have a mug with me at the time so I kept the paper ones and reused them. Honestly, I WOULD use a ceramic or porcelain mug but I can't find one big enough.
So I felt personally saddened by my denial at Starbucks today. Fail, Starbucks.
In other news, I went to the AGO for free tonight with my friend, Sarah. It was lovely! I haven't been there since it reopened. Their staircase is really a piece of art. Good thing, too, as it takes up so much room.
And then I rode my bike back home again and found that my furnace STILL isn't turning on. It's been like this since Monday. Or possibly the weekend, I'm not sure. We only noticed it Monday. I keep hoping (in vain) that it will just magically start. Instead, I keep coming home to a colder and colder house. Tonight, it's 14 degrees. Not horrible, but not the usual 20 I have for those hours between 6pm and 10pm when I want to be all relaxed and warm and sleepy.
Instead, I have donned an extra sweater (wearing four layers now). The temperature seems to be pretty stable at 14 -- I'm thinking that my neighbours are heating my house -- the benefits of living in a townhouse.
And on my bed is an extra blanket. And a warm cat, because Gus, my roommate's cat, is staying with us for a couple of days. (He makes me miss my cat, Mao. But not enough to want him back.)
All in all, I'd say I've had a very earth-loving day what with my turned-down furnace, my bike riding and my non-consumption of coffee from Starbucks (I made my own tea at home today - screw them).
Happy Earth Day!