We're back from Ski Vacation 2009.
We skiied two days in Fernie, two days in Panorama and a day in Lake Louise. Check me out ripping it up here at Panorama.
We had some great accommodations this time: usually we go cheap, this time we went for comfort and got cheap anyway. They were all under $30/ea/nt. Yes, we're Dutch.
We managed to do a great trip even with injuries and a teething 10-month-old. Shocking, but true. The conditions weren't the greatest. Fernie was very icy the first day and a little better the second day. Panorama -- which we'd never been to before -- was very icy both days but softened up towards the afternoon. It had a bunch of well-groomed runs, though, so we were able to go pretty fast and we found a lot of vip-vaps (AKA jumps) to keep us entertained.
We tried to ski Kicking Horse where the conditions sounded promising, but when we got up in the morning, we couldn't see across the street, never mind the hill. And then the hydro went out in the whole town. Well, we decided it was probably best to drive the hour to Lake Louise instead. There, the conditions were also icy with some bare spots, just like Fernie and Panorama. But we found some snow and vip-vaps on the back side and I managed to do some moguls. Fun!
By the time we were done, I was DONE. Exhausted. I'd done four and a half days of skiing with one rest day. Good times!
We stopped for dinner in Canmore before driving back to Calgary. We exited the restaurant to be greeted by a ginormous dump of snow. It just kept dumping all the way back to Calgary. Just great. Imagine the pow the next day on the hills. Sadly, we had a flight to catch so we just had to slog through the crappy road conditions without being able to enjoy the mad pow.
Boo. Just our luck.
But it was a good trip, all in all. Click here for more trip photos >>
1 comment:
My fiance and I are planning a Banff ski vacation or maybe visiting Lake Louise. We haven't entirely made up our mind yet. Sorry to hear about the icey conditions for your trip, though it sounds like you made the best of it!
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