Tuesday, January 05, 2010

Winter Wonderland overcomes winter blahs

Winter Wonderland
Originally uploaded by justingaynor
I'm sitting at home now, in front of my computer with my Christmas tree lights on, drinking mint tea.

My toes have that itchy feeling they get after they've been really cold and wet. Like they're defrosting.

I've just been stood up by my learner. I'm a literacy tutor. I teach on Tuesday nights, usually, unless my learner cancels. He once asked me why I do this for free -- what do I get out of it? I get a different perspective on life. I get to remember what's really important. I get to feel like I'm making a difference in someone's life.

None of them small things, to be sure.

Except when I rush to leave work on time and spend the $3 in TTC fare (seriously, when does it become too much?) to go all the way there just to find out he's not coming... suddenly those things don't seem very important at all.

But tonight I decided to turn it around. Turn the disappointment into an opportunity. So I walked home. It takes an hour and 15 minutes to walk in good weather. Not so much on slushy, slippery sidewalks. Especially when you have to duck into Shoppers Drug Mart to warm up and browse the wedding magazines.

Honestly, the time went by quickly. My mind wandered. What will I say at my performance review? What kind of wedding dress do I want? Where should I have the wedding? Whom should I have over for dinner next? What should I tackle next on the house? How can I get more exercise into my life without paying for a gym membership?

Before I knew it, I was home. My feet were wet, but I wasn't uncomfortable. In fact, I picked up the snow shovel and cleared my sidewalk, walkway and steps. Gordon asked me if I was feeling OK.

I think I needed the time. I needed to walk in the snow and enjoy the evening. Not talk to anyone. Window shop. And breathe.

It was the best Christmas present I got.


Stephanie said...

How goes the dress shopping? If you are looking for something custom and/or a bit different, I highly recommend Lowon Pope. They did my dress. Gorgeous stuff and Lana is a total hoot to work with!

Unknown said...

Dress shopping has begun... I've gone to three shops, found two promising dresses and have an appointment this afternoon at the Bridal Project. I'm committed to keeping the dress price down to around $200 and so far this seems like a reasonable goal with the dresses I've tried.

Dress shopping is fun but time consuming. And choosing a dress will be a lot easier when we actually decide what kind of wedding we're going to have (and when exactly).

Stephanie said...

$200 - good for you!

I found a ton of money saving tips on frugalbride.com. I think the site is still around anyway! My wedding photographer used to run part of it.

It's tough deciding on the kind of wedding to have. No matter what, just do what you and Gordon want to do and what feels comfortable for you. I know we had some people that were upset because we skipped a lot of the traditions like receiving lines and garter and bouquet tosses. I know at least one family member who complained bitterly that my bridesmaids wore black and thought my dress was too casual for a church wedding. Whatever. In our mind it was just the right mix of intimate, laid-back, traditional and non-traditional - just like us. You can't please everyone so don't even try!!

Enjoy this time. It's the beginning of an amazing adventure!!

takakokader said...

The casino floor is booming again - JMH Hub
A report of 원주 출장샵 the casino floor's activity, 경상남도 출장마사지 the Covid-19 pandemic, reported 논산 출장샵 to 태백 출장안마 state casinos last week. 경산 출장샵 “This is a pandemic year, and